Hosting the Perfect Summer BBQ with Help from Your Trailer
by Tom S
Trailers in the summer. It’s more than a tool in a season. It is a lifestyle. Let’s talk about how your trailer can help you host the perfect summer BBQ now that the whether is warm and sunny.
Pit boss days are here! Whether you compete in brisket competitions, or don’t know what a brisket is, smoked meats are the ideal way to lend authenticity and delicious flavors and aromas to your summer BBQ. Mix it up from the classics like hotdogs and hamburgers every once in a while! Smokers can be bought or made simply, and loaded up onto the back of a trailer for use at the park, the beach, the sports arena, or anywhere your summer takes you.
You don’t have to learn how to use a new piece of gear to have the perfect summer trailer BBQ. With a charcoal or propane grill (with extra tanks) loaded up on your trailer, you can take the party with you! There’s plenty of room for buckets of sauce bottles, kits of cooking utensils, and everything else you might need.
Don’t let the weather dictate your plans. Bring a pop up canopy that fits over the trailer bed, and no rain or hail can put out your grill’s flame. Extend a tarp off of the pop up canopy and your friends will love you!
You can’t have a BBQ without the latest country hits and the good old classics. Mount some speakers on your trailer and use either Bluetooth or wires to connect your playing device of choice, and you are ready to go. Get your people dancing!
Any smart packer can fit a cooler full of ice and beverages on the back of a trailer along with a grill. Stay hydrated, stay cool, have fun, and drink responsibly! (Pack up bins or bags for trash and recycling, too.
If you want guidance for outfitting your trailer with the perfect summer BBQ, call or contact The Trailer Parts Outlet. We love talking shop and hearing about good times!